Tagged: cleducate

AWS Imagine conference

Cloud and Voice are the next big things that are already here. The tech giants are betting big on this. Amazon, through AWS and Alexa, has bet big not only in these two technologies but in education / professional reskilling as a segment. Here at seattle at “AWS Imagine” conference that has leaders from education …Read more »

Industry-Academia Link: a chasm, a broken link or a great opportunity?

The link between academia & industry is a broken one, not just in India but across the world. In fact, it never was built consciously in the first place, not even in the developed nations over the past many decades. Hugely inter-dependent and evolved sub-systems can surely be seen as in Boston/Massachusetts, California, Tel Aviv, …Read more »

A Public Start-Up

The year 2017-18 started with our getting listed on March 31, 2017. Needless to say, this was—and will remain—one of the most cherished milestones for all of us at CL Educate. The team had toiled long and hard to cross this milestone that is a fantasy for any entrepreneur or founding group. A new phase …Read more »